- design
- code
- cms
- seo
- e-com
- mobile
WA Laser Eye Centre provides LASIK eye procedures for patients in Western Australia. It's target markets are male and female 30-50 years old with middle to upper income.
Eye surgery is a serious matter and the doctor adn clinic offering the services must be specialised, professional and nonetheless seriously qualified.
Dr. Paul is the Medical Director and Principal Surgeon at WA Laser Eye Centre and one of Perth’s most experienced and qualified refractive surgeons.
He thinks the current site is very much outdated, boring, not trustworthy enough and doesn't represent the prestige and delicate eye treatments/surgical procedures that he performs.
Dr. Paul wanted to redesign the whole website to reflect what WALEC offers; 100% blade-free LASIK experience and other more specialised and delicate surgical eye procedures that him and the centre is offering.
He wanted to heavily market and promote the benefits of 100% blade-free procedures, the fast recovery to regain your daily life and a vision better than 20/20 with wearing glasses.
He wants the site to provide all the information on what is LASIK and blade-free eye procedures so anyone considering the treatment knows exactly what they are getting and who is performing the procedures. He wants the site to be vibrant and visually stimulating.
Based on what Dr. Paul wanted, a new design was drafted. Initial draft was well received by Dr. Paul and the rest of the staffs. The design uses dramatic imagery or 20/20 vision, the beauty without glasses, the fast recovery for people who are into sport and have a very active lifestyle. Bright but pastel colours are widely used all over the design to deliver the beauty of colours and 20/20 eyesight. The site has a very clean layout promoting easy readability and easy to navigate through. The site will be developed on wordpress platform and the client can't wait to see the new site in action.